Nestle Talent Show
Hello Nestle Neutrons. Calling all musicians, singers, actors, poets, dancers, comedians, jugglers, martial artists and entertainers!! Mark your calendars for our annual Nestle Talent Show: Saturday, February 6, 2016. If you are interested in participating, come to our open practices every Wednesday and Thursday in January, that 1/13, 1/14, 1/20, 1/21, 1/27, 1/28. Practice will run from 3-4pm. So what do you have to do? 1. Reserve your song title on the selection chart which will be posted outside Rm. 13 from December 14-18. Students who reserve a song title prior to Winter Break get first pick. 2. Practice your routine during Winter Break. 3. Submit a burned CD of your song to Ms. Nguyen on 1/13 (the first day of practice). (songs played on I-phones or I-pads are not acceptable. 4. Attend as many practices as possible. A flyer outlining the talent show went home last week, so check your child’s backpack. So lets get busy Neutrons!!! Especially you boys. Last year we only had a couple boys participate. Come on boys, don’t let the girls show you up. Boys have talent too!!! Thank you and stay tuned for the next message about the upcoming events at Nestle next week.
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