Nestle bulletin for the week of April 18-22
Hello Neutrons. Here’s what’s happening at Nestle in the upcoming week: Monday, we have During School Intervention for grades K-2. Also, the Mobile Museum is here all week for grades 3-5 and there’s a Pre-K Registration meeting in the auditorium from 2:45-4pm. Tuesday is an early dismissal day at 1:38 and there’s an evening parent center workshop from 5-7pm in the auditorium The topic is The Brain: Unlocking the Key to your Child’s Social, Behavioral, and Academic Struggles, by Dr. Robert Melillo. Wednesday, Intervention continues for grades K-2 and the music teacher is here. Thursday, we will have the 5th grade Science Fair in the auditorium from 8:15-2:00. Friday is the last day for the mobile museum and we have psychomotor and grade level meetings. Also, parents of 3rd graders, next week 3rd graders begin their SBAC testing. Please make sure they get plenty of rest so that they can do their best. The following week 4th graders take their test and the week after that, 5th graders take their test. Thanks to upper grade teachers for their hard work in preparing our students.
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