Morning Drop-off: Parents need to take students to the kindergarten yard. An employee is at
the gate and will greet them and allow students only onto the yard. When the bell rings,
students will line up and wait for teachers to arrive to take them in a line to their classroom.
Dismissal at 2:38 (Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri.) and 1:38 (Tues): Students will be picked up from
their classrooms, Rm 1 and Rm 2. (There is a door that opens onto the sidewalk}. Gates will be
open by Room 3, 4, 5 so parents can go to the classroom. Parents are only allowed to go to the
kinder classrooms, as we maintain a closed campus. Parents please understand that dismissal is
not a good time to have a conference with the teacher. Please make arrangements in advance if
you want to discuss your child in private. Someone will be stationed by room 4 to make sure
the campus is secure. If parents are late picking students up, (past 2:48) an employee will escort
them to the library, where they will wait for you. Please bear in mind that very young students
are often terrified when parents are late. They fear they have been abandoned, so please make
every effort to be on time to spare your child any unnecessary anguish.
First graders:
Morning Drop off: First graders may be dropped off in front of the school and enter through
the 1st grade gate, 2nd grade gate OR they may enter by the 3rd grade/valet gate or the 4/5
valet gate.
Dismissal: The first grade dismissal gate is next to Room 7. Teachers will walk students to the
gate. A school employee will wait with students until they are picked up until 2:48. At 2:48, the
gate will be locked and students will be escorted to the library to wait with an employee for
parents to pick them up. Please bear in mind that very young students are often terrified when
parents are late. They fear they have been abandoned, so please make every effort to be on
time to spare your child any unnecessary anguish.
Morning Drop off: First graders may be dropped off in front of the school and enter through
the 1st grade gate, 2nd grade gate OR they may enter by the 3rd grade/valet gate or the 4/5
valet gate.
Dismissal: The second grade dismissal gate is next to the office (in the corner). Teachers will
walk students to the gate. A school employee/or volunteer will wait with students until they are
picked up until 2:48. At 2:48, the gate will be locked and students will be escorted to the library
to wait with an employee for parents to pick them up. If your child is enrolled in the VS afterschool
program, they may proceed there. When you arrive to pick them up, you will be directed
to the lunch area to find and pick up your child. Please bear in mind that even 2nd grade
students are often terrified when parents are late. They fear they have been abandoned, so
please make every effort to be on time to spare your child any unnecessary anguish.
Morning Drop off: Third graders may be dropped off in front of the school and enter through
the 1st grade gate, 2nd grade gate OR they may enter by the 3rd grade/valet gate or the 4/5
valet gate.
Dismissal: The third grade dismissal gate is on Tarzana (the valet gate). Teachers will walk
students to the gate. A school employee or volunteer will wait with students until they are
picked up until 2:48. At 2:48, the gate will be locked and students will be escorted to the library
to wait with an employee for parents to pick them up .. If your child is enrolled in VS after
school program, they may proceed there. When you arrive to pick them up, you will be directed
to the lunch area to find and pick up your child. At this grade, students are often angry
or irritated when parents are late. They know they have not been abandoned, but they are
tired and/or hungry so please make every effort to be on time to spare your child any
unnecessary anguish.
Morning Drop off: Fourth and fifth graders may be dropped off in front of the school and enter
through the 1st grade gate, 2nd grade gate OR they may enter by the 3rd grade/valet gate or the
4/5 valet gate.
Dismissal: The fourth grade dismissal gate is on Tarzana (the large double valet gate). Teachers
will walk students to the gate. A school employee or volunteer will wait with students until
they are picked up until 2:48. At 2:48, the gate will be locked and students will be escorted to
the library to wait with an employee for parents to pick them up. If your child is enrolled in VS
after school program, they may proceed there. When you arrive to pick them up, you will be
directed to the lunch area to find and pick up your child. At this grade, students are often
happy when parents are late. They love spending time with their friends and/or kids they
normally don’t hang out with. Depending on who these children are, that might not be a good
thing. Please make every effort to be on time to keep your child from getting into trouble.