Update week of 12/14-12/18
Hello again Nestle Neutrons. We have an exciting week ahead. Monday is a regular day. Our food drive continues al week. Tuesday Our 4 day Winter program begins. The Kindergarten and TK classes perform at 8:45 in the auditorium. Tuesday is an early out day, dismissal is at 1:38. Wednesday, the 1st graders perform at 8:45 and the 2nd graders perform at 10:45. Thursday, the 3rd graders perform at 8:45 and the 4th graders perform at 10:45. Friday, the 5th graders perform at 8:45. Friday is a shortened day. Dismissal is at 2:03. If there are any dress requirements, teachers communicated their individual requests. Again, check those backpacks daily for letters or flyers from school. For the Winter program, parents will enter the school campus through the 2nd grade gate at 8:30 and leave from the auditorium. Parents please do not be late. No one will be allowed in after the show begins. Strollers and balloons will be stored at the back of the auditorium. We are also asking that you remain seated and that you stay for the entire program. Teachers and students have worked very hard to put on a beautiful Winter Program for our school and community. Friday is the last day before Winter Break. School resumes on Monday, January 11, 2016. Happy Holidays to our wonderful Nestle families.
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