Bulletin - Nov 14th - Nov 18th
Here’s what’s happening at Nestle this week.
- Monday is a regular day, with after school intervention until 4pm for all intervention students.
- Tues, we have an ELAC meeting at 8:30am in Rm#19, a Governance meeting at 3:00pm in the library and PTA Association meeting/Hot Chocolate and Pastry Social at 6:00pm in the auditorium. All members are invited and if you haven’t yet joined, this is a great opportunity to find out how you can join PTA and become involved. Dismissal is at 1:38 and we have a governance meeting at 3:00pm in the library.
- Wednesday, there is after school intervention for everyone except Ms St John’s group and we have Spirit Night at Corbin Bowl from 3:30-5:00pm. Nestle receives 50% of all money raised.
- Thursday we have after school intervention, the last day for everyone except Ms St John’s group.
- Friday is a minimum day and dismissal is at 12:58. It is also the last day for Ms St Johns intervention group. They will meet from 1:15-2:15.
- Don’t forget, November 18, is a minimum day and the last day before Thanksgiving Break Nov 21-25. School resumes on November 28.
- Fourth graders are collecting clothes to donate and on Friday, Nov 18, all clothing still in our Lost and Found will be donated, so please come check out the Lost and Found any day this week after 2:38
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