Nestle Bulletin for April 4-8
Hello Nestle Neutrons. Wow that break went fast!!!! So we are back and heading towards the end of the school year, with about 49 days of school left this year. This is a vey busy time of year for us, so here are some things that can help as we sprint towards the finish line. First, in the interest of safety, please do not park or pull into the teacher parking lot. There is a gate specifically open for drop-offs and pick-ups in the evening after school is out on the Nestle Ave. side. Also, students, please enter the gate by the Pre-K classroom in the morning, rather than through the office. We have a new security gate and it is taxing to buzz everyone in. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding. Monday, the Book Drive begins for parents to donate used or gently used books to the school for re-distribution to needy students and possibly our own library. PTA Board meeting is at 5:30 in the conference room. Tuesday there will be an ELAC meeting at 8:30 in the auditorium to discuss the budget and of course Tuesday is early dismissal at 1:38. Wednesday, the Parent Center is hosting a speaker, Barbara Schwartz…How Essential Oils May Help with learning and Behavior. There is also a Governance meeting in the library at 3:00 to discuss Budget. Thursday, we’re having a Safes Moves Assembly for kindergarteners and First graders. Friday is psychomotor and grade level meetings.
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