March 7-12
Hello Nestle Neutrons. Monday we will continue with after school intervention for grades k-5. Reports cards will go home as well. Only students who are underperforming will be contacted for a parent conference. Tuesday is a early dismissal day at 1:38. We also have an important PTA meeting. I will be sending a separate message tomorrow night to address this emergency. Wednesday is a shortened day due to parent conferences. Dismissal is 2:03. 2nd graders only will be taking the OLSAT which is a test for Giftedness at 8:35-10:00. After school Intervention continues for grades 1-5, but will be 2:15-3:15. Thursday, We will be having make-up Spring pictures. The picture company was persuaded by me to offer this second chance for those who were not able to take pictures last week. All those desiring to take a picture will be allowed to do so starting at 8:30am. There is a field trip Thursday for Rm 1 and Rm 26. The bus does not leave until 9, so students may take their picture BEFORE they leave. Thursday is a shortened day due to parent conferences. Dismissal is at 2:03. Intervention for gr K-5 is at 2:15-3:15. Friday is psychomotor and grade level. Only Wed and Thurs are shortened days. Tues is 1:38, Monday and Friday are regular 2:38. A flyer went home outlining next weeks schedule. Check your child backpacker and /or folder. And now a personal note: The Nestle students did a fantastic job at Saturdays Northwest Fest. I was so proud of them. A special thank you to those responsible for its success. Ms. Castro for setting up put booth, Ms McCaffrey-Nadi for decorating our presentation portfolios, Ms Abrams for manning the booth, Ms Sethi, Ms Kanzanjian and Ms Nguyen for working with kids to ensure the stellar performances that we saw, which you can view on the Nestle by tomorrow. And thank you to parents for bringing them to Reseda High, parking a mile away and getting them there despite the hardship. You are what we need to help make Nestle even better.
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