Bulletin - March 27th - March 31st
- Monday is a regular day.
- Tuesday the 1st graders in Ms Sedano and Ms LaDuca’s classes are going on a fieldtrip to Placerita Canyon. The visual arts teacher is here, early dismissal is at 1:38, and Jewish club meets at 1:45 in Rm.29.
- Wednesday, there’s an ELAC meeting at 8:30am in Rm 19. Also we have orchestra all day, and Farsi class after school in the library at 2:45.
- Thursday, Ms Glucksman’s pre-school classes are going on a walking fieldtrip to the Encino/Tarzana library. We’re also having our AWARDS Assembly all day. The chorus will be performing.
- Friday, in observance of Caesar Chavez birthday, school will be closed.
- And lastly parents, we still need someone to step forward and serve on our PTA board and also run for PTA president. It’s a big job, but so far every year a dedicated, passionate and committed parent has always risen to the challenge. Please help us help our students. A great school, needs a PTA, needs your involvement.
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