Bulletin - Week of Sept. 25th - Sept. 29th
Here’s is what’s happening at Nestle this week.
- Monday: Phillips counselors are here all day, Amazing Nestle Parent drawing and the student store is open after school.
- Tuesday is an early dismissal day at 1:38. Jewish Club at 2:45 in Rm #27 and teachers have professional development and staff meeting right after dismissal.
- Wednesday: Orchestra is here and ILT or grade level chair meeting at 3:00 in the library.
- Thursday: Awards Assemblies. Please see the attached bulletin for the times. Also the music teacher is here.
- Friday: Parent Volunteer Orientation and Training at 8:30am in Rm #19. LAUSD Parent Educator Coach, Phyliss Spadafora will be presenting. Come find out how to help in your child’s classroom or the school. Refreshments will be served. We also have Psychomotor and grade level meetings and the music teacher is here.
- Lastly parents, please return the meal applications, even if you don’t qualify. Our funding is directly tied to the percentage of meal applications that are returned. Also,last week, Calendar surveys came home from LAUSD. They are due back at school by Friday 9/29. The survey was only given to your oldest child, so only 1 survey per family. These survey results will help guide LAUSD in determining the school calendar for next year, so make sure your voice is heard.
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