Bulletin - Oct. 9th - Oct. 13th
Here’s what’s happening at Nestle this week.
- Monday, we have Phillips counselors here and the student store is open right after school.
- Tuesday is early dismissal at 1:38. We have Jewish Club at 2:45 in Rm #27 and teachers have Professional Development in the library.
- Wednesday, we have the first workshop in our 5-part series, Nestle Kindergarten University presented for the next 5 Wednesdays by Nestle kindergarten teachers. The workshop covers topics that veteran teachers have found to be essential for student success. Come join us at 8:30-9:45 in Rm #19. Refreshments will be served. Every grade level parent is encouraged and welcome to attend. We also have orchestra on Wednesday and students please don’t forget to bring your instruments.
- Thursday, we have the music teacher here
- Friday, there’s psycho motor and grade level meetings and the music teacher is here again. We also have Farsi class in the library at 2:45.
- Starting Monday, look for flyers to come home about the Funival which is our biggest fundraiser. It will be held at Nestle on Sunday, October 29th from 12:00-4:00pm. Check your child’s backpack for the flyer and also we are asking for donations of bags of Halloween candy.
- And lastly, Make sure you check out the Parent Bulletin attached to the email. Thanks for listening and have a fantastic week.
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