Bulletin - Dec. 12th - Dec. 16th
- Monday all grades are having their final practices before the Winter Program. We’re also having our Holiday Boutique in the library for students to shop for presents for family and friends.
- Tuesday is an early dismissal day at 1:38 and we also have 2 grade levels performing. 1st graders perform at 9:00am and 3rd graders perform at 10:45am. Also, 4th graders are going on a field trip to Leonis Adobe Museum. We also have Jewish Club on Tuesday at 1:45 in Rm. 29. Everyone is welcome.
- Wednesday, 2nd graders perform at 8:45am and Kindergartners perform at 10:45am. Farsi class is here at 2:45 in the library.
- Thursday, 4th grade performs at 8:45am and 5th grade performs at 10:45.
- Friday is a minimum day, dismissal is at 12:58 and the last day before Winter Break. We have a modified psycho-motor schedule and 3rd grade is on a field trip to the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion to see the Chocolate Nutcracker, a Debbie Allen production.
School resumes on Monday, January 9, 2017. Have a Great Winter Break!!
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